Sunday, August 24, 2008

Sully Anne White Spot Water Dog

I would like to revisit the GoldenDoodle Discussion in regards to our newest fur friend Sully-Dog. Let me recap:
After our beloved Addie passed away we decided to get a GoldenDoodle. We made this decision for many reasons but the two main reasons were the intelligence level of these dogs is amazing and the other was that they don't shed and that's awesome. I don't think many people understood that a Golden retriever was bred with a standard poodle. A standard poodle is a BIG dog. Both dogs- The retriever and the standard poodle are water loving hunting dogs. Retrievers are obviously widely used for hunting here in the states and in England standrd poodles are very popular for the sport. Basically we caught so much grief for getting a GoldenDoodle that it was ridiculous. Everyone truly though that she would be a tiny Prissy Poodle....
No one believed that:
#1 She would grow to be Big-- she is almost 70 lbs
#2 She doesn't Shed-- BTW, she doesn't
#3 She would be a water loving retrieving dog-- Well Guess What....

Enough Said.

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