KK Olivia had her One Year Well-baby and good news! She is WELL! :) This little miracle is out running the expectations the doctors had for her...
Here are her stats!
Weight: 22lbs 52%
Height 31" 93%
She is growing like a weed and ahead of where she should be on most things! We are so proud!

We also Dog-sat
The Barrow Fam's 4 legged children last weekend and as always they are so tiny and cute!!
Briley loves them!!

Suumer time is here! It is SO hot but somehow we are managing!! Today my car Temp gage said 106. Briley has been having fun playing in her blow-up pool...

And the Garden is doing well too! We have

and Cucumbers!!


Green Beans!

And of course, what is a post without me bragging about my sunflowers. They are amazing. they take my breath away they are so beautiful!!

I told Nathan I want to rip out all the grass and just have a field of sunflowers. That idea didn't
appeal to him for some reason...
Zoey loves the heat! She could stay outside forever!

In other news, Sully Dog got her summer hair cut! Now she looks like a black lab! I am going to miss her fluffy locks, but she is so happy with short hair!
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